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Counseling for Addiction

Are you constantly thinking about the next drink?

Does your drug use cause problems on the job or at home?

Feel like you have no control over alcohol or drugs?

It's tough to go through each day with cravings for substances you suspect or know are causing you problems. But it's more difficult to resist. And therein lies the problem.

Or, maybe you feel that you need alcohol to loosen up, calm down, or be less inhibited. If so, ask yourself if drinking has become a crutch, and what it's costing you in productivity, clarity of mind and judgments, and friendships.

Could it be that you feel you need those drugs to control as much emotional as physical pain?  Prescribed medicines and illegal drugs are often used to numb the painful feelings of guilt, shame, failure, grief, anxiety, depression, and so on.  

All you really want is to feel good, or empowered to live your life, facing the normal challenges that arise everyday. Unfortunately, what once may have looked like a solution has become the bigger problem.

Therapy for addiction can help you heal the underlying emotional wounds that ae prompting your substance use. The therapy helps you make wise choices for better health, and you can learn how to face your feelings without a drug or alcohol crutch.

Getting therapy is a smart decision -- try it
Counseling for addiction, substance abuse, chemical dependency

Highland Counseling Services chemical dependency specialist Barnett Elman, PhD, can help.


Dr Elman has many years of experience helping others just like you to heal the hurt infliected by various life experiences, and gain the sobriety desired.


Substance use disorders develop when the frequent use of alcohol and/or drugs causes significant impairment in physical and mental abilities, or issues such as health problems, disability, and failure to meet major

responsibilities at work, school, or home.

You're smart to be seeking help now.

At Highland Counseling Services, we know you are trying your best to deal with daily frustrations and challenges, and that's why we offer you the best in outpatient substance use therapy.


Between your commitment to yourself,

and our help, you can turn this around.

Call today:


Addiction doesn't have to ruin your life.

We're here to help.

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